I happened to go to BodyPlanet on a November evening because I was dissatisfied with my body and wanted to know what was available and what could be done. I was shown protein shakes and fat burners, but I knew that without will, motivation, exercise and a change in diet, all the little helpers would have little effect. I was given the tip to do nutritional advice and fat measurement so that I can reach my goal as quickly, effectively and with support as possible. I didn't think twice and made an appointment right away, everything was discussed with me and I started to change my diet. A few weeks later I started training, which was adapted to my needs.
By changing my diet and regular training, I lost a total of 25 kilos in about 10 months. I have become much fitter, more confident and more fun-loving. I used to be listless, lazy and sluggish, didn't feel like doing anything and ate quite a lot and enjoyed eating.
I still like to eat but differently (and eating differently can be really tasty and interesting!), of course I snack from time to time, but everything has changed for me and today I can't imagine my life without sport!